Do you suffer from brain fog and Hashimoto’s hypothyroidism? If so, it’s a red flag your brain is inflamed, functioning poorly, and likely degenerating too quickly. It’s also a sign you need to properly manage your thyroid hormones.
What causes brain fog and why should you care? Consider these reasons:
Brain fog happens when brain cells, or neurons, don’t communicate well with each other. This causes brain function to slow down and diminish, giving you symptoms of brain fog.
Many factors cause neurons to fire sluggishly or not all with each other, which I’ll talk about more in this article.
When you have brain fog and thyroid issues, ask yourself, “Why are my neurons not firing effectively?”
Blood sugar that swings too low or too high can cause brain fog. Symptoms of low blood sugar include irritability or lightheadedness between meals, cravings for sweets, waking up at 3 or 4 a.m., dependence on coffee or sugar for energy, becoming upset easily, and forgetfulness.
Symptoms of high blood sugar (insulin resistance) include fatigue after meals, constant hunger, cravings for sweets not relieved by eating them, constant thirst, frequent urination, difficulty falling asleep, and a big belly.
Blood sugar that is too low or too high means neurons are not receiving the energy they need to function, which often causes brain fog.
Unstable blood sugar is commonly caused by eating too many processed carbohydrates and sugary items, skipping meals, or chronic overeating.
Relieving brain fog can be as easy as stabilizing your blood sugar.
Eat a whole foods diet based around vegetables, proteins, and healthy fats. Keep carbohydrate consumption to a level that prevents symptoms of low or high blood sugar. Stabilizing blood sugar is also important to manage your thyroid hormones.
Communication between the gut and the brain is ongoing and intimate. Bad gut health affects the brain and can cause symptoms of brain fog.
For instance, some people develop brain fog after eating certain foods, such as gluten, that trigger inflammation in the gut. If you have digestive problems, your gut may be playing a role in your brain fog.
Also, leaky gut is a condition in which the lining of the intestine becomes overly porous, allows undigested food particles, yeast, bacteria, and other harmful compounds to enter the bloodstream.
This triggers chronic inflammation in the gut, body, and brain, along with other health problems, such as food intolerances, pain, autoimmune disorders, skin issues, joint problems, depression, and, of course, brain fog. Working on good gut health is paramount to managing Hashimoto’s hypothyroidism as well.
Are your fingers, toes, and nose are cold to the touch? This may mean your brain is not receiving enough oxygen due to poor circulation. Other symptoms of poor circulation include weak nails, fungal nail infections, low brain endurance, and cramping in the hands and feet.
Low circulation deprives the brain of oxygen and nutrients, thus causing brain fog. Factors that cause low circulation include anemia, chronic stress, Hashimoto’s hypothyroidism, low blood pressure, smoking, and blood sugar imbalances.
Autoimmunity is a disorder in which the immune system attacks and destroys body tissue. Examples include Hashimoto’s hypothyroidism, Type 1 diabetes, and rheumatoid arthritis. Autoimmunity can cause inflammation in the brain, leading to brain fog.
Also, autoimmune attacks in the brain are more common than people realize, a risk for those with Hashimoto’s hypothyroidism. This, too, is linked with brain fog.
Don’t shrug off brain fog or Hashimoto’s hypothyroidism. Addressing brain fog will not only improve brain function but also help prevent dementia later in life. Contact my team for more information!