Recipe Books
There are many, many books, blogs, and websites today to help you transition to an anti-inflammatory diet. Here are my favorites:
Autoimmune Wellness
Discover the Autoimmune Protocol and get on track to healing your body with real, nourishing food!
Heart of Cooking
A weekly service that provides a shopping list and daily menus for a variety of diets and food intolerances
The Paleo Mom
Sarah Ballantyne, Ph.D. (a.k.a. The Paleo Mom) is passionate about making the Paleo diet accessible and sustainable
Gluten-free Diet Information:
Dr Thomas O’Bryan — Dr. Thomas O’Bryan. DC, CCN, DACBM is an internationally recognized speaker and workshop leader specializing in Non-Celiac Gluten Sensitivity and Celiac Disease. I have the highest respect for his in depth knowledge, passion, and extensive research and resource as the “gluten guru”.
- Celiac.com — This is a great starting point to familiarize yourself with the many foods that contain gluten.
- Fresh from Elizabeth’s Kitchen, by Elizabeth Kaplan — founder of The Pure Pantry. Moms will appreciate the attention Elizabeth (mother of three kids) gives to kid-friendly recipes to include scrumptious dishes like spaghetti with turkey meatballs, veggie frittata, and lentil soup.