Why do antibiotics give me health woes?


"It seems ever since I took antibiotics I haven’t been the same. I’m sick more frequently, my digestion is messed up, and I have chronic yeast infections. Why?" Antibiotics are [...]

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Why do so many people have autoimmune diseases?


My practitioner diagnosed me with Hashimoto’s and celiac disease, two autoimmune diseases. It seems many of my friends have an autoimmune disease too, including eczema, arthritis, Type I diabetes, and [...]

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Anemia is a barrier to better health


"I’m tired frequently and I have some chronic health issues I can’t seem to resolve." Although multiple factors can cause both tiredness and chronic health issues, anemia should always be [...]

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Could I have a food intolerance?


"I’m told food intolerances can affect my health. How can this be true when I don’t have any digestive symptoms?" Sometimes it’s difficult to connect a food we eat every [...]

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Why is everyone going gluten-free?


"It seems every week I see a new gluten-free food at the grocery store and that another friend has gone gluten-free. Why?" A gluten-free diet has been attacked as a [...]

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