Dear Thyroid, I Want My Eyebrows Back
Joni Labbe2022-05-24T11:49:46-07:007 Ways to Stop Eyebrow Hair Loss “Mirror, mirror on the wall, will my eyebrows return at all?” If Snow White had thyroid and hormone issues, she’d probably be humming [...]
7 Ways to Stop Eyebrow Hair Loss “Mirror, mirror on the wall, will my eyebrows return at all?” If Snow White had thyroid and hormone issues, she’d probably be humming [...]
How your thyroid affects sleep You toss. You turn. The glowing 2:00 a.m. on your alarm clock glares and taunts. Still, you just can’t sleep. Sound familiar? If so, welcome [...]
It’s a common argument: “You don’t need to take supplements if you eat a good diet.” Although a good diet is fundamental to good health, supplements play an instrumental role [...]
As I have mentioned previously on this blog, I believe Hashimoto’s – the most common form of hypothyroidism – is a silent epidemic that affects far more people in this [...]