ThyroSisters MVP Program™
Measurable. Verifiable Progress!
I wanted to find a way to get this incredibly transformational information out to as many women as possible. Why? Because I want to live in a world of braver, more caring, capable, high-integrity, people. People that take responsibility for finding the barriers and obstacles in their life, and their families lives, but also develop the courage to show up and keep showing up for each other. (Regardless of growing cynicism and fear in our world.) That, my friend, takes gumption, conviction, and commitment. We have to be healthy and strong to care enough to govern ourselves.
Why? Because, selfishly, I want to be better, to live BIG (even with hypothyroid and Hashimoto’s). To be a Hashi kid myself, and do that, I had to walk the talk, and implement the knowledge of the past two decades of clinical practice, study, design, re-design, fall down, be brave, listen, observe, and streamline hypothyroid and related symptoms of Hashimoto’s into a tangible, practical, and teachable program to be used as a catalyst for change in your life.
After many humbling lessons, and careful consideration, that is why I created the ThyroSisters Freedom menu of programs. Programs that are straight-forward, no bologna sandwich, actionable plans (from functional health lab work) that are practical and sustainable regardless of your age, surgeries, gender, or where you live in the US.
Our ThyroSisters M.V.P. Measurable. Verifiable. Progress. Program™ is unique to our other ThyroSisters Freedom™ programs in that it includes personal one-on-one consultations with me. As you are changing through the program, I am changing the protocols and diet so that, by the end of your plan, we have negotiated the “land mines” of change together to achieve your health goals.
We will personally design the program based on your unique test results (that we received from Lab Corp in or around your home town) and work with you one-on-one through the internet, video, teleconferencing, or locally in our San Diego office. You’ll still get plenty of face time with me and my staff of health practitioners. Between one-on-one consultations, we will “meet” through virtual office hours, where we have lively, fun Q&As, and you become a member of our private Facebook group.
Dr. Joni Labbe
How the Program Works
When you enroll for the Thyroid M.V.P. Program™, my team of functional health practitioners and I will work with you to help balance your hormones and your thyroid. We will help you get to the root cause of the big “WHY,” as in “Why am I feeling this way?”
We will help you regain your strength, passion, and sense of well- being.
I know I can help you, because I have helped hundreds of hypothyroid and hormone-challenged women just like you!
I will guide you as to:
- A sustainable way of eating and diet
- Establish a healthy, normal weight for your body
- Decrease the inflammation and mood swings; no more anger, or self-loathing
- Experience more optimism, practice patience with yourself, and enjoy the details of life
- Feel healthy and confident enough to become a purposeful and an integral part of your family and community again
There is no “silver bullet” to magically balance your thyroid and hormones. I’m here to share with you highly effective, cutting edge, scientifically proven strategies and techniques that have been used by hundreds of wonderful clients of mine across the country.
Based on my own personal need to live big, I have created protocols based on years of clinical practice and the research of the top thought leaders in the field of functional neurology, endocrinology, and nutrition.
It is my passion to coach, inspire, and educate women struggling with hormones, hypothyroid, and Hashimoto’s, and to discover the root cause of the “why” of those issues.
You’ll have 6 months from the date of purchase to complete your program. Click the toggles below to learn more about the process for the MVP program.
Are you ready to finally understand, to get clarity, and get moving toward the life you thought you had lost?
“Success in most things comes NOT from some gigantic stroke of fate, but from simple, incremental progress.” Andrew Wood
It may not be exciting, but it is true. Small differences over time create a big difference!
That’s what I am here to help you do. If you are ready to finally say “enough” to struggling with fatigue, indecision, a life of feeling invisible, then I will give you the tools and the EXACT process I have used to take myself and many others from unclear, frustrated, brain fog, and weight havoc, to living a fulfilled balanced life.
Frankly, it won’t always be easy. You have to be ready to do the work; to give me your focus, willingness, and an open spirit. If you are ready to commit to that, I’m ready to commit to you and your success.
My Thyroid M.V.P. Program will give you access to everything you need to break free and live your extraordinary life. If you accept the tools I give you, take action, and follow through, I am 100% certain you will transform your health!
Book Your Clarity Call Today!
Chat with one of our warm, professional ThyroSisters Team members at 858-284-9501. Or simply click here to book a complimentary ThyroSisters Clarity Call to discuss your options.
Bottom line, information available today can seem conflicting and overwhelming. I want you to feel confidant, to truly know and own what is going on with your system, and to be able to converse intelligently with any health care practitioner about your particular thyroid/hormone/Hashimoto’s concerns.