We recently shared an amazing blog post, Inositol Plus Selenium Restores Thyroid Function in Hashimoto’s Patients, written by our partners at Designs For Health. It prompted many questions and interactions across our social media platforms and website, primarily the questions… what IS inositol and how can it help me?
Inositol is a carbohydrate that tastes sweet, has a similar biochemical make up to glucose, without the negative side effects of glucose. Inositol is a pseudo vitamin and is falsely said to be a B vitamin (Vitamin B8) and is naturally found in plants and animals, but predominantly in fruits like oranges and cantaloupes.
Insitol’s primary function is to keep fats collecting from the body, particularly in the liver. Inositol is added into energy drinks because it is efficient in converting nutrients into energy.
Inositol is one of the most versatile nutrients for promoting brain wellness, a positive and relaxed outlook, and restful sleep. It also is one of the most crucial nutrients for promoting female hormonal health through its role in supporting optimal liver function. Inositol also helps maintain healthy serotonin metabolism, and by so doing helps treat many conditions that involve poor serotonin function, including depression, agoraphobia, panic disorders 1, and obsessive-compulsive disorders 2. Low levels of inositol also occur in patients with diabetes, renal failure, and multiple sclerosis.
I have had marked results using inositol with clients that have difficulty falling asleep, female hormonal imbalances, depression and anxiety. You may be a candidate for inositol if you struggle with some of these conditions.
For general health, a more restful sleep, and an overall positive outlook, start with ¼ teaspoon of inositol powder per day. For promoting female hormone health or relieving mood disorders, supplementation should be done with the guidance of a health care practitioner.
Contact our team if you would like to order blood work and learn the optimal combination of vitamins and minerals for your specific health concerns.
- Benjamin J. Lenine, Fux M. Aviv A, Levy D. BelmakerRH. Double blind, placebo-controlled, crossover trial of inositol treatment for panic disorders. AmJ Psychiatry 1955;152(70:1084-6
- Colodny L. Hoffman RL. Inositol-clinical applications for exogenous use. Altern Med Rev. 1998;3(6):432-47