This Is Why You Feel Cold All the Time – The Link Between Hypothyroidism and Cold Intolerance
Joni Labbe2021-01-22T10:13:44-08:00What exactly is the link between your sluggish thyroid and your arctic body temperature? Find out here!
What exactly is the link between your sluggish thyroid and your arctic body temperature? Find out here!
Many of us start the day with a small breakfast as we run out the door, followed by a medium sized lunch and a large dinner. We also tend to [...]
For decades the diet industry has conned consumers into thinking good diet products are low in fat. This led to a boon in creation of low-fat, high-carbohydrate, and often high-sugar [...]
Do you keep trying weight loss diets but can’t seem to drop the pounds? Are you instead exhausted and frustrated by an ever-growing layer of fat? If you have Hashimoto’s [...]
After studying dieting for 20 years, a researcher concluded diets simply don’t work, a fact countless Americans have spent 20-plus years of their own lives validating. Why? Dieting is constructed [...]
If you regularly drink diet soda and use artificial sweeteners because you think it will help you lose weight, you’re unwittingly sabotaging your efforts. Sure, artificial sweeteners like sucralose, saccharine, [...]
As anyone with Hashimoto's hypothyroidism knows, weight loss can be a battle even when you do everything right. Although managing your autoimmune Hashimoto's thyroid condition is the most important strategy, [...]
Finding it hard to lose weight? Although many factors can hinder weight loss, one of the sneakier is sleep deprivation. Research shows people who regularly sleep five hours or [...]
It's hard enough to lose weight when you're struggling with Hashimoto's hypothyroidism. But did you know your sleep habits also affect weight loss? Although many factors can hinder weight loss, [...]
Counting calories, avoiding fats, miniscule portions, living with hunger—dieting is a drag and the majority of people eventually gain back the pounds they fought so hard to lose, especially if [...]